category : miscellaneous

christmas tree decorations

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Some of Mum and Dad’s original glass decorations that used to hang on the Christmas tree each year. Beautiful things really.

rudolph cake decoration

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Here’s a little reindeer that would always appear on Christmas cakes (along with little plaster Santa and a wee fir-tree).

Sadly, shortly after this photo was taken, poor Rudolph was quite badly savaged…

green shield stamps

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green shield stampsThe 70′s equivalent of a loyalty scheme I guess. Mum would spend ages filling up little books with these things but I can’t remember if they were ever converted into anything useful…

my 1977 diary

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1977 diaryThis is a Letts Schoolboys Diary from 1977. It’s mine and was filled in most days until around June or July. It is both hilarious and utterly tragic. Here are some example entries: (more…)

michael’s room

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michaels roomThe sign from the door of my first bedroom.