
picnicIt must have been a lovely day. They just stopped the car and all got out to eat fruit.
I LOVE this photo. There’s something about the smiles, and the colours.

But the real question – how easily could you fit six people into a Vauxhall Wyvern..? Or was there another car…?

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3 Responses to picnic

  1. james says:

    Can’t have been comfortable six in a car in their sunday best – jacket and tie on such a lovely day
    I wonder if grandad took his car to the picnic.

  2. Mike says:

    That must be it. Can’t imagine they’d be so happy knowing they’d be all squeezing into one car on the way home :)

  3. Audrey Bishop says:

    Hi Michael

    Just spent a lovely but short visit with James and Michaela. I am so happy to have re-connected with my nephews. Super to meet Michaela…she is a delight. James showed us photos on his iPad of your family…what a lovely group!

    This website is a fun idea. I still have the photo above but can’t remember if we all fitted into the Vauxhall. Yes, the jackets and ties at a picnic are hilarious.

    James took a couple of photos of us in our garden so you’ll know what the “old folk” look like.

    (Auntie) Audrey & Leon

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