category : old photos

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grandad in uniform

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grandad-in-uniformA rather damaged old photo of Grandad in uniform – presumably on the coast near Bovington (Lulworth Cove?).

mike and mactavish

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mike-and-mactavishMe and Mactavish in the back garden in Teddington.

The traditional pudding-basin haircut if left untamed would occasionally ‘go native’ – it can be seen here in the process of becoming a fully-fledged crash helmet.

tony and a television set

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Tony the electronics whiz – I seem to remember someone saying that he either built this TV, or possibly mended it – but basically did something well beyond the capabilities of regular folk.

mike in a pushchair

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mike-in-pushchairThat’s me looking serene and contented as usual.

a possible goat

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possible goatMe and James possibly on some kind of ride, with what looks like it might be a goat but there’s some bloke in the way (who might be holding the goat?). Who knows. But I’d say there’s a good chance this was taken at Chessington World of Goats

party party

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partyI’m not really sure where this photo was taken. It might be our house, but I can’t really remember that light-fitting or the curtains. But anyway, this certainly has all the trademarks of a Cinzano-fuelled house party at Princes Close.

Left to right: unknown (in white shirt), Bunny, unknown (in green dress), Lil (?), Ernie, Dot, Fred.

mum and dad

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mum and dad

rootin’ tootin’

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cowboyA nicely framed shot of Cowboy Jim. You don’t get framing like that with your new-fangled digital cameras.

‘Val, make sure you get the light switch in’.


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rabbitsMe and James with our rabbits (Elsa and Blackie). Not being squeezed this time. (more…)

tony with car

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tony with carTony outside the house in Rose Gardens. He looks very proud so I’m guessing this is his first car?

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